The following is a listing of products offered by North Atlantic Publishing. If you would like a current list, call up our 24 hour BBS system at (404) 552-8168, or write to the following: North Atlantic Publishing P.O. Box 768111 Roswell, GA 30076 BBS number (404) 552-8168 ----------------------------------------------------------------- THE CREDIT REPORT REPAIR KIT ($39) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to have negative items legally removed from your credit report. Bankruptcy, Judgements, Foreclosures, Tax Liens, Repossessions, Late Payments, etc. can be permanently removed with an easy to use technique. This is the same technique that America's best credit lawyers use (and charge up to $3000 or more). Now you can do it yourself with your PC. This software was developed by a former loan officer. It reflects years of experience in dealing with credit bureaus and the hidden loop-holes in the credit reporting system. These loop-holes were created when congress enacted ~The Fair Credit Reporting Act~. In response to angry taxpayers (and voters) complaints about inaccurate credit reporting practices by almost all credit reporting agencies, Congress created a series of hard line credit reform bills. As with most bills designed by Congress, it is full of inconsistencies and loop-holes. It didn't take credit attorneys long to figure out how to use (and abuse) these laws to make it possible for any negative remark on a credit report to be removed permanently. These same powerful techniques, and the required forms, are available in this software package. Also contained in this package is a step-by-step plan to rebuild or establish your credit. In addition to repairing your credit report, this software package will also order your credit report and apply for a secured credit card from one of several major banks of your choice. It will also rate your credit history using a scoring system utilized by many banks that issue credit cards. When you order a registered copy of ~The Credit Report Repair Kit~ you will also receive ~The Credit Report Repair Manual~. This guide contains even more strategies and techniques for re-building your credit report. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE SOFTWARE MARKETER ($49) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getting your software product into the retail market can be frustrating. Especially if you don't have any contacts or formal knowledge of the business. The best route for an independent programmer or small company to go would of course be a professional software marketing consultant. A professional has the contacts and has the knowledge and experience to get your software onto the store shelves. The only drawback is that the experienced consultants want to charge an arm and leg to get started. Now there's ~The Software Marketer~. This software package is a combination training package and marketing package. It will instruct you on how to get your software onto the store shelves, while at the same time giving you direction and guidance. Because the average person does not have contacts in the software industry, ~The Software Marketer~ contains 3 databases of contacts for marketing your software. Plus it allows you to generate form letters to market your software to these 3 echelons of the software industry. The Distributor database contains over 700 distributor's (Software Plus, Software Resources, etc.) addresses and telephone numbers. With ~The Software Marketer~ you can merge a form letter with the database and create a custom mail out to attract a distributor to your software product. A distributor is a middle man or a wholesaler that will distribute your software to the Dealers. The Dealer database contains over 1400 retail software stores and software reseller's (Egghead Discount Software, ComputerLand, Software City, etc.) addresses and telephone numbers. You can also merge this database with your custom form letter to market your software to these retail outlets. Most dealers will not carry software unless it is from a distributor, but you should still let them know that your distributor has your software available. The Magazine Database contains over 1,100 contacts in the computer magazine industry (PC Magazine, PC Computing, Byte, Info World, etc.). ~The Software Marketer~ will allow you to generate press releases and gain free exposure and marketing for your software. A favorable article in a national magazine pulls in many times more sales than a well placed advertisement in the same magazine, and at no cost. For almost two years now, most of the large retail outlets require a UPC Manufacture Identification Number (Bar Code) to be placed on all software packages. ~The Software Marketer~ will help you apply for a UPC code and will also allow you to print UPC labels on an HP or Epson compatible printer. This will allow you to start packaging your product immediately and then just place stickers onto the packages that require a code number from the Uniform Code Council. With your order, you will also receive a free book. "Creative Software Marketing". This book is filled with tips and tricks to help you sell your software. Besides giving information on retail marketing of software, it also tells you how to market and sell your software in other marketing areas, such as direct mail, shareware, multi-level marketing, and surplus software purchasers. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE PRESS RELEASE GENERATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A favorable write-up in a magazine is one of the best ways to market any product or service. ~The Press Release Generator~ contains a database of thousands of contacts in various magazines and newspapers around the country. It's really not hard to get a national magazine to run your press release if you know the right approach. Magazines are always looking for ways to fill up unused space in their pages. Most "articles" that are in many magazines are actually press releases that have been sent to the magazines. Many times a press release is ran as an article, word for word. ~The Press Release Generator~ allows you to create a favorable press release with it's own built in word processor or it allows you to use your own. You can then merge your press release into the database of magazines and newspapers that is contained in ~The Press Release Generator~. This allows you to receive virtually "Free" advertising for your product or service. When you order ~The Press Release Generator~, you will also receive the book ~Profiting from Press Releases~. This is a complete guide to creating, printing, and mailing press releases. It contains everything that you need to know, including insider techniques. There are many tricks to increase your odds of getting favorable press; for example: Write your press release as an article, following the same format of the magazine. Make your press releases slightly longer than required, but include paragraphs that can be easily omitted; this way the editor can easily create an article from your press release to fit the exact space that he needs to fill, simply by taking out a few paragraphs. With your order, you will also receive a free book. "Profiting from Press Releases". This book is filled with tips and tricks as described above. ------------------------------------------------------------------ THE PRIVATE PILOT EXAM TUTOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flying your own plane is one the most satisfying experiences in today's world. Many people never attempt to learn how to fly because they believe that it is beyond their reach. However, passing the FAA Private Pilot's Test is actually very easy to do once you let your computer teach you how to take the test. The ~Private Pilot Exam Trainer~ is an easy to use software package that can train anyone to easily pass his or her FAA Private Pilot Written Exam. On your FAA Exam, you will receive 50 questions to answer. These questions will come from a pool of 708 questions, that the FAA uses for the private pilot written exams. This software contains the exact 708 questions that are used. Therefore if you master this software, you can make a perfect 100% on your written exam. This software will help prepare you to take the exam by covering only what is required on the FAA test. When you receive ~The Private Pilot Exam Tutor~ you will also receive the "EXACT" test book that the FAA uses to give you your test. This book (as well as the software) contains every question and answer that the FAA can possibly ask. Plus, you will recieve a study guide that gives practical tips and advice on how to take the FAA test. If you have never taken a flying lesson, this guide will also tell you how to get into the wonderful world of flying. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Become a Software Distributor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can earn extra money in your spare time by becomeing a Software distributor for North Atlantic Publishing. If you would like more details, simply download DISTRUB.ZIP from our BBS at (404) 552-8168, and find out how you can generate extra income. There is no upfront fee and no stock or inventory to purchase. North Atlantic Publishing will drop ship all software directly to your customer at no extra charge. ------------------------------------------------------------------ TO: North Atlantic Publishing P.O. Box 768111 Roswell, GA 30076 Please send me the following software. I have checked the software packages that I wish to receive. _____ $39.00 The Credit Report Repair Kit. _____ $49.00 The Software Marketer. _____ $75.00 The Public Relations Director. _____ $99.00 The Private Pilot Exam Tutor. I have enclosed a check for $__________ to cover the above cost and I will expect my software to be shipped within 48 hours in both 3.5" & 5.25" formats. SHIP TO: Name ______________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _______ ZIP __________